Saturday 29 June 2013


Self-harm statistics were recently published for West Cumbria and they were shocking. So much hidden emotional pain. So many teens and adults with wounded children inside.

She strives for perfection
In an imperfect world
She knows she is a fool to try for more
And as she fights to hold
A frozen smile upon her lips
Her internal world is crashing to the floor
Nothing less than pure perfection
Will ever feel enough
To compensate the damaged child inside
So she dresses oh so smartly
Putting make up deftly on
Knowing life would never be an easy ride
Studying became distraction
So she filled her head with books
Anything to block out sadness and heartache
She looks healthy, fit and strong
To her family and her friends
But inside she knows how close she is to break
Musically she’s rather gifted
And applauded by her peers
She delivers with precision and aplomb
Artistically she’s talented
Of that there’s no dispute
But inside her thoughts are ticking like a bomb
For the cheers and approval,
They will never be enough
She is beautiful and talented and good
But the shame and self-loathing
That sits beneath her skin
Runs down her arm in rivers of fresh blood
She has scars that sit like secrets
Hidden from the outside world
Her cuts give her a moment of release
She knows the pain and heartache
Of a childhood gone too soon
As silently she prays for inner peace


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