Friday 28 June 2013

I wrote this poem one afternoon after reading a blog that asked the question, "What is your passion?"
It started out as 'What is your passion?' but ended up as Who is your passion?

Who is your passion?

Who is your passion?
Who is your muse?
Who lifts you up when you’re down with the blues?
Who brings you comfort?
Who makes you sing?
Who makes you feel like the first day of spring?
Who makes you smile?
Your pupils enlarge?
Who do you see when you want to recharge?
Who makes you quiver?
Who makes you shake?
Who makes you laugh till your sides start to ache?
Who brings you joy?
Swells you with pride?
Who makes you walk with a spring in your stride?
Who brings the sunshine?
Makes your day bright?
Who doesn’t care if you’re wrong or you’re right?
If these questions are answered
With someone you know
Hold them and love them and don’t let them go

Natalie Burns

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