Sunday 30 June 2013

Come Dance

In every culture throughout the world there is dance. Maybe The Hokey Cokey is what it's all about.

Come Dance
Come dance
An induced trance
Of collective identity
In a spell of shared ceremony
Let the rhythm make love to you
It is my healing ritual



I wrote this after listening to Tapestry by Carole King in the car one day. I hadn't listened to the album for years.

Frayed at the Edges

My life is
a rich tapestry panel,
an intricate weave
of interlaced threads
from the heart and mind
of an artisan.
A warm palette of a story
knotted in places,
repaired and restored,
a patterned, coloured web of blended hues
that depicts a  complex composition,
an accomplished unravelling.


Tears are actually very healing and we should not fear them. If our body wants to cry we should embrace it. But so many people are told in childhood....don't cry. I was recently in a school and a little boy had made a mistake and started to cry. Another boy laughed at the fact he was crying. I acknowledged his tears and said to both boys it is ok to cry when you are upset. I told them mistakes are fine that is how we learned. The boy wiped away his tears and smiled. I think we all learned something that day.

Tears, I've cried them
Tasted pain
Tears that sting
And fall like rain
Tears dabbed with
A damp tissue
Tears that stay
Just out of view
Tears that roll
And wrack and sob
Tears that make
Eye sockets throb
Tears that hang
And drop like dew
All these tears
I cried for you


This poem was inspired by the lyrics of a song I heard performed by a friend of my son at a local music venue.
Only Sometimes
Sometimes when you hold me
You know I’ve already gone
To a place I’ve learned to live in
A place I don’t belong
A place I go to hide myself
When your touch unnerves
You don’t even notice it
Not easy to observe
I slip away just briefly
To another time and place
Sometimes when you hold me
Sometimes when we embrace

Saturday 29 June 2013


I love playing around with famous poems. Sometimes I give a famous poem to children and get them to cut up all of the words then select and rearrange some of the words into a new poem. Sometimes I just keep the syllable and rhyme patterns and rewrite. Invictus is a rousing poem used famously in the film of the same name. This poem is about trauma.

My Invictus – apologies to William Ernest Henley
Out of the day that defines me,
Summer blue and cloudy sky,
I know in order to be free
That a part of me chose to die
In the burden of my shame
I did not tell a living soul
No longer will I take the blame
Not for what they took, but stole
Deep in that place of wrath and tears
I will step out from shade,
And let the menace of the years
Inside my head be no longer played
I cannot change past behaviour,
But I will strive to be whole,
Only I, can be my saviour,
I will be the healer of my soul.


The Lotus flower is quite beautiful and worshipped, yet flourishes in dirty waters. From humble beginnings we all have the capacity to grow beautifully wherever we come from.


In the muddy waters of my attachment
I float
In peaceful apathy
Sleeping, sleeping, sleeping
In the muddy waters of my desire
I love
In unstained purity
Breathing, breathing, breathing
In the muddy waters of my growth
I meditate
In calm stability
Burning, burning, burning


I wrote this poem about on-line forums. The Internet is a powerful tool for both good or evil. On-line forums can be a great place to feel less alone and share your woes anonymously.    

A place of shelter
I have found
Virtual friends
With love abound
A place to rage
A place to cry
A place of love
A place to sigh
A place of safety
Kind and good
A place where
I feel understood


There is much debate in therapy about hugging. Some therapists are happy to offer a hug at the end of a session or during moments of emotion but other therapists see hugging as a boundary crossing. Myself, I think safe hugs are enormously healing.
To hug or not to hug
If only you would hug me
You look so safe, so warm
But hugging is forbidden
Not hugging is the norm
I think sometimes you’d like to
Your heart is warm, not cold
You never take me in your arms
Your boundaries always hold
You warn me of the danger
That careless hugs can cause
I curse the regulations
Of these therapeutic laws
A hug says I’m not dirty
A hug says I am pure
A hug says I am loveable
Acceptance and a cure

Final Breath

What will you think of, when you take stock at the end of your life?

Final Breath
When you take your final breath
And leave this ancient land
I hope you are respected, and someone will hold your hand.
I hope that you have travelled
I hope that you have seen
Deserts, mountains, oceans, forests and fields of green
I hope you've seen the sun rise
And set in brilliant hues
I hope you've had the frame of mind to take in all the views.
I hope that you have noticed
The little things that count
But most of all I hope that you found love in large amounts


Self-harm statistics were recently published for West Cumbria and they were shocking. So much hidden emotional pain. So many teens and adults with wounded children inside.

She strives for perfection
In an imperfect world
She knows she is a fool to try for more
And as she fights to hold
A frozen smile upon her lips
Her internal world is crashing to the floor
Nothing less than pure perfection
Will ever feel enough
To compensate the damaged child inside
So she dresses oh so smartly
Putting make up deftly on
Knowing life would never be an easy ride
Studying became distraction
So she filled her head with books
Anything to block out sadness and heartache
She looks healthy, fit and strong
To her family and her friends
But inside she knows how close she is to break
Musically she’s rather gifted
And applauded by her peers
She delivers with precision and aplomb
Artistically she’s talented
Of that there’s no dispute
But inside her thoughts are ticking like a bomb
For the cheers and approval,
They will never be enough
She is beautiful and talented and good
But the shame and self-loathing
That sits beneath her skin
Runs down her arm in rivers of fresh blood
She has scars that sit like secrets
Hidden from the outside world
Her cuts give her a moment of release
She knows the pain and heartache
Of a childhood gone too soon
As silently she prays for inner peace


I am a Poet

I work as a freelance poet in schools. It is rewarding and fun. I love telling children that their words are important. I say, you have a voice, so use it to make connections with others.

I am a poet
My work is my word
I tell the truth
In lies and the absurd

I am a poet
My work is never done
Always another heart
Or mind to be won
I am a poet
I make you think
A therapeutic friend
A published shrink
I am a poet
I make you seek
I show you vulnerability
Is not weak
I am a poet
My work is an art
I enter your head
But live in your heart

Friday 28 June 2013

Self esteem

I was in a hotel room in Edinburgh looking out over a park. There was a young woman sitting under a tree and I watched her reading. She looked so happy and absorbed that it prompted me to write this poem

Time out
There she was again,
beneath the oak,
cross-legged and smiling,
holding the book
balanced loosely on bended knees
with that satisfied look.
She laughed
as the wind gently lifted her fringe
from a partially obscured face
and she briefly lost her place.
Her eyes sparkled with interest
as they danced across the text.
A leaf dislodged by the breeze
rested unnoticed on her shoulder,
so absorbed in the pages was she,
so free.
Her skin was lightly tanned,
unblemished and fresh
she cared not for the time
nor how long she sat
and how I longed for that.




When we've been hurt it takes time to learn to trust again

Time to Heal
Though you make my head spin
I push you away
Though I want you in my arms
I never ask you to stay
Though your kiss is gentle
I don’t let you in the door
When I lay in bed alone
I know that I want more
Though my heartbreak is past
It hurts to trust
And as you pledge your love
I do feel lust
Though my body aches for yours
I long to feel
Though my love for you is strong
I need more time to heal



There are times when we all feel a little broken and I wrote this when feeling a little vulnerable.
Where do I go to get mended?
To reattach the petal fragments
of my daisy head. He loves me…
He loves me not
To gather up the scattering
of my seed strewn soul. To find
the missing piece
of jigsaw. The incomplete face
I don’t see in my dreams.
The blood and misery of a
new deck, split;
an un-loved plaything discarded
on a mosaic of grass and mud;
shards of broken reflections
embedded in blank eyes
and the disconnect
of a once perfect round pebble
crashing and rolling in human surf.
Where do I go to get mended?



It is what we all hope for isn't it? To be loved and know it!

The sky may be grey, the bitter winds blow
But remember my words wherever you go
Wrap up warm, keep cold fingers gloved
And wherever you are, know you are loved
Your plans may go wrong, the day may turn sour
But remember my words with each passing hour
Days can be saved, plans can be shoved
And wherever you are, know you are loved
The night may be dark, and you may be alone
But remember my words at the end of a phone
Though sometimes we pray to a power up above
Wherever you are, know you are loved
I was driving to a meeting and listening to Madonna's 'Forbidden Love' when I had an idea for a poem. I pulled over into a layby and wrote this poem and then continued to my meeting feeling very pleased with myself.

In your eyes

In your eyes
I am acknowledged
In your smile
I feel accepted
In your kiss
I taste redemption
In your touch
I'm not rejected
In your voice
I hear compassion
In your arms
I feel completed
In your love
I am replenished
In your life
I'm undefeated

I do love to rhyme and my friends usually like my rhyming poems the best. Children also love rhyming poetry in school. I like to show them how to rhyme and discuss rhyming patterns and I like to show then the online rhyming dictionary ....
I wrote this poem one night. It just all came tumbling out of me at high speed.
A Stream of poetic consciousness
Some people dance and some they sing
Whilst me I like to rhyme a thing
Cat and sat and mat they’re easy
Love, above and dove so cheesy
Far more complicated though
Are Bordeaux and Vincent Van Gogh
Or is that Vincent Van Gogh
(Pause for cough)
It’s really fun to stretch myself
With words like Continental shelf
Plunder one’s vocabulary
For words that rhyme with constabulary
It’s childish but it’s rather fun
Like scoffing down a sticky bun
It never bores. I never tire
It often fills me with desire
Too intellectual for foreplay
You’d rather watch a steamy play
Or re-read Fifty Shades of Grey
See look how far the mind can stray
So back to rhyme I’m using pairs
Or couplets if you must split hairs
William Shakespeare sometimes rhymed
But they didn’t always scan and they weren’t always well timed
LOL I wonder can you rhyme and text
AFAIK but I’m out of my depth
See what I did there, a near rhyme
Emily Dickinson did it all the time
There even exists gendered rhyme
So Masculine the word sublime
Whilst the Feminine was once a fashion
Rarely used with any passion
And is there a rhyme for every word?
Not for purple so I heard
And to try and find orange in the rhyming dictionary
Could cause a cardiopulmonary
I wrote this poem one afternoon after reading a blog that asked the question, "What is your passion?"
It started out as 'What is your passion?' but ended up as Who is your passion?

Who is your passion?

Who is your passion?
Who is your muse?
Who lifts you up when you’re down with the blues?
Who brings you comfort?
Who makes you sing?
Who makes you feel like the first day of spring?
Who makes you smile?
Your pupils enlarge?
Who do you see when you want to recharge?
Who makes you quiver?
Who makes you shake?
Who makes you laugh till your sides start to ache?
Who brings you joy?
Swells you with pride?
Who makes you walk with a spring in your stride?
Who brings the sunshine?
Makes your day bright?
Who doesn’t care if you’re wrong or you’re right?
If these questions are answered
With someone you know
Hold them and love them and don’t let them go

Natalie Burns