Sunday 14 July 2013

Cumbrian Fairy Day

Fairy Day

In the sculpture valley
At High Head, Ivegill
Magical Mel is waiting
Your wishes to fulfil
Frogs in the car park
Fish in the pond
Colourful, wonderful windmills
Magic, wavy wands

Sparkly face painting
Yummy sweet stall
Peppa Pig wandering
See fairy dust fall
Gnomes in the river
Drama in a tent
Activities for everyone
A magical event

Instruments of music
Colourful and loud
Fairy wands and fairy wings
Sparkly wands stand proud
A day full of sunshine
Wishes on a tree
A fairy singing on the bridge
And a poetry pixie

Thank you Freya, Taylor, Ava, Amelia and their accompanying adults for helping the Pixie Poet write this poem for Magical Mel


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